Continuous improvement - a guide to our Optimisation service
We do our best work when we’re working as a team with clients who are looking for partners with which to develop their platform. We deliver long term value by working with you to measure, learn and iterate your project to deliver results.
During Discovery, we’ll have worked with you to determine Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for your website. These will have come from your organisational strategy and project objectives; we would have defined what the target goal is, how it’ll be measured and what we need to put in place to make measurement possible. We won’t be simply tracking vanity metrics like pageviews, but producing actionable insights. This is called the measurement framework.
Following launch, we track monthly against the measurement framework to understand where the site is doing well and where we should focus our attention to improve it. This could result in further investigation, user research or even a simple fix.
The important thing is that we’re identifying and addressing issues early on, keeping our effort focused on the results. At the most basic level, it allows us to discover any bugs that are affecting the user experience. After all, visitors won’t be ringing you to report a problem. Furthermore, we will generate hypotheses for improvements using our toolkit of analytics and behavioural psychology.
Not only will you have a team of experts striving to deliver the results you need, you’ll also be armed with the evidence and insight needed to understand what is happening with your site.
Case study – online learning for Europe’s surgeons is a Johnson & Johnson platform for surgeons to share best practice tips and tutorials via video. A review of the site’s analytics data showed that there was an opportunity to improve visitor time on site and increase the amount of content that they consumed.
We ran a more in-depth investigation including user testing and realised that users were a) struggling with searching the site and b) hitting content dead ends. We trialled some changes to improve the usability of the search and provide better content suggestions. Rolling these changes out saw engagement rise and ongoing journeys increase significantly.
Case study – sensitive reporting
We were commissioned by a national public safety organisation that wanted to improve the performance of a critical and sensitive site feature. Following a site analytics review of the organisation’s website, we discovered a significant drop off rate on starting and submitting the form with which children used to report concerns.
We investigated this further to find out which steps children were dropping out at, and ran some user interviews to discuss how they may be feeling at this point. As a result, we identified changes that could be made to the form to make it much more reassuring and personal.
More information on our Discover, Build and Optimise services