11 not-to-be-missed events, attractions, collections and exhibitions
Celebrating the reopening of the UKs museums and cultural institutions
Celebrating the reopening of the UKs museums and cultural institutions
Scope creep has a negative connotation and I think it immediately suggests an element of conflict or someone losing out. I think in a world of prioritisation and agile development, scope creep can be a win-win.
Visit our Labs for a behind the scenes look at tech we’re playing with, events we’re attending, and new things we’re trying.
Go to LabsDeeson's Head Strategist Martijn van der Heijden presented his Digital Monetisation Canvas at the recent MuseumNext Digital Summit. Check out his session and download the slides.
Whilst we celebrate our gender diverse team at Deeson, our work in diversity is far from complete.
Organisations with a broad or complicated offering, such as those in the visitor attractions sector, must take extra care to ensure their website is easily navigable and clearly communicates their offering.
Designer Rachael Sutherland is Deeson’s Accessibility Champion. Here she explains why designing accessibility into websites should be a core principle, not an add-on.
In the past when new versions of Drupal were released, the upgrade would require not only a hefty investment, but a lengthy site rebuild project. But with the release of Drupal 8 came a new way of thinking about how sites can be upgraded. There was the idea that moving from major version to major version would be as easy as any other minor update that was released.
With the arrival of coronavirus we've worked with many of our clients on their digital ticketing offering. Read on for our top 5 tips for a smooth implementation.
Why the tender process should be a two way street.