18th September 2013
Countdown to DrupalCon Prague
Digital Strategist
With DrupalCon Prague kicking off in a few short days, Team Deeson is in full prep mode: Our schedules are crammed, our t-shirts and posters are printed and we even have stickers. Yes, stickers.
We Are Smarter Than Me
No DrupalCon would be complete without t-shirts. Lots of t-shirts. And we'd like to throw ours into the ring: a Drupal-inspired phrenology diagram, complete with the slogan "We Are Smarter Than Me" (hat tip to Graeme).
We'll be giving away the exclusive t-shirts, posters and stickers throughout the week. All you need to do is tweet us @Deeson_Labs to grab some goodies. Also keep an eye out for #besmarter on Twitter for ideas, discussions... and how to join us for bar-side chats.