6th May 2016

Culture Hack Day at Deeson

Simon Wakeman
Chief Executive Officer
Hack Day

We are giving away the creativity, design genius and technical skill of one of our Deeson pods for a one-day hackathon to tackle the challenge of a UK cultural organisation!

We’ll bring our team of experienced designers, developers, content specialists and information architects to support your team on solving a problem with digital. It’ll be a day of intense collaboration to spark new ideas and push some boundaries. If you want, you and your team can get involved and be part of the whole creative process. The result will depend on your specific challenge - it could be a solid concept, a series of sketches or a quick creative prototype. But we promise it’ll be good and help you move forward.

How can your organisation benefit from a day of free digital awesome?

It’s simple.

Send us a short summary of the challenge you’d like our help in solving. Keep it short and sweet - 250 words at most - and send it to us at [email protected]. We’ll be covering the hack day on our blog and social, so no top secret projects, please.

Our deadline is Friday, June 3.

We’ll select a winner in early June and get things going for a hack day in July.