27th September 2013

Deeson visits London Design Festival for IED

Melanie Armstrong
Content Editor

Last week, the content team was at the London Design Festival on behalf of the Institution of Engineering Designers.

For ten days, various venues across London featured some wild installations and street art, while the 100% Design exhibition at Earls Court celebrated the latest in on-trend design, so the team slung their cameras over their shoulders and hotfooted it to the ‘big smoke’.

There was some really amazing design works to be found all over London – from the South Bank, to Tate Modern and Trafalgar Square to the City. We came away with some funky videos, masses of images, and plenty of written content, which will be used for both the IED’s online publications and its hard copy journal.

Use video to amplify

We're finding that video and YouTube is a great way to get a message across. Talk to us about how we can help you maximise your events coverage [email protected].