19th September 2013

DrupalCon Prague: Biff Baff BoFs

Lizzie Hodgson
Digital Strategist

As if attending sessions and networking at DrupalCon Prague isn't enough (over the occassional beer, ahem) Team Deeson members have all signed up to steer a Birds of a Feather (or BoF) session. These are informal gatherings where like-minded members of the community with similar interests can talk about a topic without a pre-planned agenda. Nice.

Bof 1: What is content strategy and why should I even care? - Tues Sept 24, 15:45-16:45

I'll be leading this (Digital Strategist) and will be exploring:

  • Are we are all content creators?
  • How can we be sure content matters?
  • Who actually cares!?
  • New ideas and whether a wider strategy is important
BoF 2: Quizzes in Drupal - Tues Sept 24, 17:00-18:00

John Ennew, Solutions Architect, is looking at the quiz module and its future. Themes covered - with demonstration:

  • The quiz module has a long history with Drupal. What features and improvements do we want to see in Quiz in a new Drupal 8 version?
  • Discussion on the new H5P module from falcon – one of the long-time maintainers of the quiz module – and explore possibilities for merging the functionality.
BoF 3: Prototyping for client feedback - Weds Sept 25, 13:00 - 14:00

Graeme Blackwood, Lead UX Designer, is steering this one, and main topics will include:

  • Maximising face-to-face client workshops/live prototype editing (including CSS synching from the inspector)
  • Using annotations to explain design decisions
  • Capturing client feedback directly on an HTML prototype
BoF 4: Drupal Camp London 2014 - Weds 25, 13:00-14:00

Tim Deeson, MD, Deeson Online, takes the helm with this BoF which is aimed at those interested in finding out more about:

  • DrupalCamp London 2014 (28 February to 2 March)
  • How to attend, volunteer or sponsor
  • Contributing to shape the plans for #2!
So, add us to your schedule, or tweet to meet @deeson_labs if you want to join us!