A safe place at Margate Pride
Two years ago, I moved to Margate from London. Since then, I have enjoyed seeing how Margate Pride has evolved, and continues to evolve, into a place for all to show their support.
Pride by the sea, dancing on the beach and drinking cocktails on the seafront was a new way for me to enjoy the occasion as usually I would be one of the London masses.
This year was my second year joining in the fun and frolics and I am excited to hopefully extend the embrace next year with my husband by creating our own float!
Now in its fourth year, Margate pride is growing larger every year and yet still manages to hold tightly on to its community feel and artistic roots.
This year’s Pride introduced the LGBTQ+ and Female Safe Space. Margate Arts Club ran the incentive, offering those who do not live local to Margate the opportunity to get involved without having to worry about travelling in full drag.
Hearing people say they only attended the celebrations because there was somewhere for them to change makes me feel fulfilled that I live in a town that cares that much about the community and that I can personally be a part of the feeling of togetherness.
Seeing my town come together in all its glory makes me feel proud to live in such a spectacular place with such a close-knit community of people.
The floats, adorned with colour, sparkle and loud music and housed by the wonderful people and businesses of Margate, was a highlight for me.
I celebrated with my ‘crew’ – Smirkin Gherkin AKA Hubbie, Miss Trixabelle and Emface – spending the day at the street party and later watching Mel C and the drag dance troupe “Sink the Pink” perform an amazingly energetic closing show.
Words can’t describe the feeling of seeing parents with young children, all the way to the more senior of the community, laughing and joining in the fun.
Margate Pride has come so far in just four years, with thousands of people from all over Thanet lining the streets and coming together to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community, and it really is a spectacular thing.
We may still have a long way to go with rights around the world, but Pride is the perfect way to raise awareness and show solidarity; it’s so important that as many places as possible around the world get involved.
Margate Pride is truly an event that makes you feel proud: Proud to be part of an exceptional community, proud to live in such a beautiful town, and proud to be neighboured and friends with such welcoming, lovely people.
I can only see myself becoming more and more involved in this event and the great work the local community do each day to support the LGBTQ+ community.
As for Pride 2020, and as the Margate Pride team say, ‘Tell your friends, everyone is welcome!’