15th September 2014

We're bananas for BoFs at DrupalCon Amsterdam

Lizzie Hodgson
Digital Strategist
You can sense it: The days are getting a little bit shorter, there's a chill in the early morning air, and you're wearing flip flops less frequently. That can only mean one thing: It's nearly DrupalCon season... And we're ready!

Along with the keynotes and the sessions, Team Deeson will be running a couple of BoFs. These are informal gatherings where like-minded members of the Drupal community with similar interests can talk about a topic without a pre-planned agenda. Our BoFs are very different in focus, but both are really interesting!

BoF 1: John Ennew, Solutions Architect

Integrating CRM systems with Drupal
Where: Emerald Lounge E – Just Digital
When: Tuesday 30 September, 1pm-2pm

John invites you to join a discussion around best practice when integrating CRM systems with Drupal.

The issues to be addressed include what integration points need to be considered and what methods and modules exist to help with this.

In short, it's an opportunity to share experiences with different CRM system types and the things to look out for when starting down this process.

Like the sound of this!? Then add it to your schedule now!

BoF 2: Lizzie Hodgson, Digital Strategist

Why bother with personas?
Where: Room G108 – Capgemini
When: Wednesday 1 October, 11.45am-1pm

Ok. So who's heard of a persona? Do you even care!? The thing is if you're in the business of building sites, or creating digital solutions, you need to know about why they're important and how they put users at the heart of the digital experience.

In this BoF we'll draw on examples, including Drupal8 user personas. We'll also look at ways to incorporate them into the initial stages of your user planning.

Open to all – from devs to marketers... and everyone in between.

Hope to see you there - and don't forget to tweet to meet @deesonlabs! (And grab an awesome Drupal Amsterdam tee!)