GDPR Team Training Slackbot
Our GDPR Team Training Slackbot will give your users a rundown of some of the key elements of GDPR, and then check they haveve understood properly with a short quiz.
Chatbots that integrate directly with your own systems and data and expose valuable information and capabilites through a conversational interface can be a catalyst for increasing efficiency.
Deeson can help you plan, design, develop and deploy your bespoke enterprise chatbot.
The way we do work within our organisations is changing. Now, more efficiently than ever we can:
Any digital transformation strategy needs to take into account these capabilities and evaluate how they can be exploited. Conversational platforms like Slack are the new interface to work.
We have two areas of service - strategic and delivery
Strategic - we will work with you to define:
Delivery - with a plan in place we can execute on:
These are publicly available chatbots - try them in Slack now.
Our GDPR Team Training Slackbot will give your users a rundown of some of the key elements of GDPR, and then check they haveve understood properly with a short quiz.
Checklists are a powerful way of storing knowledge and improving quality. The TeamChecklist bot, built by our chatbot-specific product teams, allows you to manage checklists with automated management and reminders directly in Slack.