29th April 2013

Coder lounge, April 2013

John Ennew
Technical Director

TAC Edit Auto

We've been working on a use case for a client to allow a group of users to edit unpublished content. After evaluating TAC and TAC Lite, via Organic groups, which all appear to require the content to be published before allowing access and need quite a bit of configuration per taxonomy term or group, we've started work on a little module with the working title TAC Edit Auto. The module has an intentionally narrow use case in an effort to keep configuration even Lite-r. The module checks the User for shared taxonomy terms with the content being viewed. If the terms in the fields match, they're granted edit rights. That's it! So, the only administrative overhead is selecting which node types you'd like to be controlled by TAC Edit Auto and adding the term to the User object and you don't end up with a ton of roles. A good example use case is the music blog that another module references. On the music blog there are many content editors but they should only be editing content in their genre. An additional part of the use case is, of course, that they want to be able to edit the module in draft. Jazz author one creates and article and pokes Jazz author two to add their two cents before it goes live. Jazz author two adds some freestyle linguistic riffs and publishes. Crazy Disco author one hates Jazz and wants to edit it, but alas they can't. On its own it will require the author to choose the correct term, but a bit of extra code and you can force it as we are doing, so that the user can only create content under their term. We're in two minds whether to include this in the module, but that would require more configuration. We're tidying and testing the module, but will release a version for review soon.


The Drupal to DotMailer integration module is one that a couple of the Deeson team maintains. Following suggestions we've added some additional functionality to allow multiple dotmailer accounts connect to the same site so site administrators can select signups to multiple lists across multiple accounts. Dotmailer project page.

OG Invite people

Angry Dan has been talking to the maintainer of the OG addon module, OG invite people and agreed to become a joint maintainer of this module after a number of successful OG projects here at Deeson. This module streamlines the process for group administrators signing users up to both the site and their group from the administration interface. OG Invite people project page

Media module

Media is one of our favourite modules, making management of files and images into Drupal really neat. The 2.x branch is still in development and adds a number of cool features, some of us spent some time to review patches to help get this one released.

Core Patch Bingo

Struggling for inspiration? Patch Bingo on D.O gives you a random bug which needs fixing. This week we managed: