27th February 2013

Coder Lounge, Feb 2013

John Ennew
Technical Director


We took some time out to learn twig which is being implemented in Drupal 8 core. Looking up the D.O issue queue there are a large number of twig issues waiting for review so we pulled down a few and reviewed them. Other than a few coding standards they looked good to go. For example convert node module to twig.

WSIF Framework

After building a number of integrations for different projects using a number of different web service standards to external services, we found we were repeating a lot of framework code. We built the Web Services integration framework module to provide a base framework for developers to build on. Stay tuned, more on this later!


Our resident front end expert carried on saving the world with an update to the excellent Coffee module. Coffee is like Alfred for Mac and let's you quickly jump to different pages within your Drupal site. With the new 2.0 release the JavaScript has been rewritten to use jQuery UI and provides instant results! Stay tuned, more on this later!

Patch Bingo

Others decided to move onto patch bingo, a feature of Drupal.org where you can be given a random issue from the Drupal.org issue queue to work on. The random places you can be taken on this are quite exciting, the following issues were able to be resolved or updated:

Behat testing

We've spoken before about our behat_testing module which allows site developers to write behavioural tests for their site. The benefit of this is to record in a meaningful way the major paths through the site and the way it should act given certain conditions. Behat is a PHP application which takes the tests, and runs them. This allows the tests to be run many times over the course of a project. As new features are added we can check that old features have not been broken. There is an alternative behat Drupal integration which looks like a promising alternative which we've been testing this week as well: Drupal Extensions