28th November 2012

Coder Lounge part 3, or, how Angry Dan got his name

John Ennew
Technical Director

Our monthly code sprint fuelled by pizza, irc, enthusiasm and, for the first time, Gunther Hackathon Daemon!

We continued work on our patch to stop forms losing data in Drupal 8 core. The SimpleTests that run on D8 core now take upwards of 1.2 hours to run thanks to the introduction of some large new projects into core. This left a lot of waiting around between patch submissions to see if they worked. During this time, rather than start another core issue we looked into a list of our contrib project contributions. These included our functional testing module behat_testing, which is getting some attention in the community now. You can now place behat tests in any module to test that module during a behat test run. Go and read the project page for full instructions on how to get started with this great testing tool for site builders.

Our Commerce Webform module has had requests to be compatible with webform conditionals which is now bundled with Webform 4.x. One of us also produced a brand new module called Context Block Visibility which allows site builders to specify the context a block should appear in from the block edit page. As every coder knows, code sprints work better with music. The Canterbury CantHack group recently gave a talk at Digibury on an open source music queuing system called GHD which they developed. With GHD, a central server plays music queued to it by everyone connected. You can then vote on the music and rules in the software stop single people flooding too much music. This helps restrict music to the most popular. You'll need a linux server running Linux. The instructions to setup the daemon is here: https://github.com/vext01/hgd. The client software is here: https://github.com/tristan2468/hgdc-x/downloads After having his Tom Jones tracks voted off for the fifth time, Dan updated his D.O. username to 'Angry Dan' – his new handle for all time.