24th May 2017

Make Good #1

Holly Davis
Head of Delivery


1. To produce or achieve what is desired or expected; make good.

If the definition of delivery is to ‘produce or achieve what is desired’ we are all doing delivery. It transcends every role and in the right workplace, everyone is held accountable for its success.

This newsletter is therefore not just aimed at the delivery managers, the product owners or the project managers but literally anyone involved in the delivery of digital projects and products.

It will signpost the best content from the last week, so we can all continue on the journey to “make good”. Here is the first one, if you’d like to receive these in your inbox in future.

Please sign up here.

Top 5 reads

1. Feedback in remote teams: The gift that keeps on giving

Use the  “I appreciate” model for encouraging team members to give regular feedback 

2. 27 Sprint Anti-Patterns

Join me and nod along to these common scrum anti-patterns, then pick a couple to work on

3. 40 ways to invest in more resilient teams

Another brilliant post from John Cutler on fostering the right environment for risk-taking and resilience 

4. Optimising your team's velocity of learning

Focus your sprints on outcomes not points 

5. Productive teams

75% of employees feel they could be contributing more than they currently are, so why aren’t they? What makes a productive team?

Inspiring tweets

Hashtags worth a follow

That’s it until next week! Sign up below to get the next one sent straight to your inbox.

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Bi-weekly wisdom and a brand new guide to acing interviews by the amazing @ProjectDavis.

Brett Harned Author of Project Management for Humans