Strategic business review.

At Deeson we are all about delivering well and fast. Yet in the noise of every day it is easy to lose sight of the big picture. Because a big part of being a long-term digital partner is being proactive in making sure we always deliver value against your organisational objectives, we offer our partners strategic business reviews (SBRs).

What it is?

The SBR is a strategy focused meeting of usually 2 hours. It is an opportunity to review our partnership and build a deeper understanding of your business and future plans. These sessions are designed to draw out your long-term vision and reveal immediate strategies for growth.

These sessions develop your digital strategy, aligning your organisational objectives, challenges and priorities with your long-term digital plans.

Talk to us about your project. Get in touch

We found working with Deeson very refreshing. They are great listeners and strategic thinkers who made us feel like they were part of our team. They took time to really understand our strategic objectives as a charity and what our users need the most.

Gabriela Mamon Digital Projects Adviser

What we will do.

A typical agenda for the day may consist of:

Quarter look-back.

A high-level review of performance during the previous quarter. How is your digital estate performing? Did we meet the KPI’s? This will look at the big picture over the past months and what we can learn to drive your digital transformation. This will also be our opportunity to review progress on your product roadmap and make changes as required.

What’s working and what’s not.

We invite open conversation around our partnership, examining the progress made towards goals, the benefits of our relationship and ways we can improve. How have we supported you and your team? How could we add further value? As an output of the session, we will come up with practical ways to address any issues, concerns, or challenges.

Business strategy.

Together we’ll review your immediate business priorities and explore short-term goals for staying on track to meet your long-term objectives, and to understand the outcomes you want to achieve. This will inform later decisions made with regards to the digital strategy we develop together, and how it can support your vision.

Strategic inspiration and insight.

Drawing on our extensive experience working in digital, we will offer challenging insights to ensure your organisation can benefit from the latest sector trends and innovations.

Who should attend.

As these reviews are strategic rather than tactical, they require senior-level participation. As a quarterly event, the SBR is a step back from the day-to-day, using insight-led solutions to develop opportunities for long-term growth. Typical roles that attend Deeson strategic business reviews from our clients include Chief Digital Officers (CDOs), Marketing Directors and Chief Technology Officers (CTOs).

What it delivers.

Regular strategic business reviews allow us to learn from past results and improve our operations. They improve alignment between teams, agency and other key stakeholders. Most of all, they help keeping focus on the digital strategy, identify changing business priorities, and target new growth opportunities.

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