Blog. The future of digital
Making Artificial Intelligence work for you - Part 2: Understanding what the user says
3 things that chatbots shine at compared to websites or apps
The right question around chatbots is not whether 2017 is the year of chatbots, or whether it is all a fad. The right question is simply: what is the appropriate context for a chatbot solution as opposed to a website or an app? If your problem has the characteristics mentioned in this post then chatbots are most likely a very good way to solve it.
Why conversational interfaces are here to stay and how to plan for your chatbot
Are chatbots just a fad destined to fade away or are we witnessing a real change in how digital engagement happens? In this post we explain what conversational interfaces are, why they are here to stay, why they should form part of your digital strategy and what questions you should be asking yourself in considering incorporating them.
Making Artificial Intelligence work for you - Part 1: What is AI?
The question we are going to try and answer here is how can we reason about AI as we are thinking of building our own AI-powered applications. What are the conceptual tools we need to be effective? We are going to provide a simple framework, light on buzzwords, to achieve this.