Takeaways from Deliver Conference 2018
A few of us in the team recently attended the fifth annual Deliver Conference in Manchester. Here are a few of our highlights from the sessions.
A few of us in the team recently attended the fifth annual Deliver Conference in Manchester. Here are a few of our highlights from the sessions.
We invited DrupalCon Vienna attendees to share their experiences (the highs and lows), tips and best practices for making Agile work in an agency.
Last week Deeson paid for me to attend Agile on the Beach, a 2 day conference in Cornwall covering the themes of software delivery, business, products and teams. Here's what I took away from the event.
A few of our personal highlights The Lead Developer conference in London – a 2-day event aimed at people leading tech teams.
Holly Davis shares her top 5 reads and tweets on the topic of delivery from the last fortnight.
Holly Davis, Deeson delivery chapter lead and Agile Project Manager is looking forward to attending Ground Control, the inaugural London-based conference for anyone involved in delivering digital projects.