How to write an agency brief
Our Commercial Director, Magali Bourcy, explains how to get the very best from your third party agency.
Our Commercial Director, Magali Bourcy, explains how to get the very best from your third party agency.
Now we're part of a wider group of companies, we've started building communities of practices across disciplines to build relationships and share knowledge across the teams.
The first step in any pivot is to research and validate the new business direction. This involves getting to grips with the problem you are trying to solve. Why have you decided to make the change to your business model, and how will your pivot solve this problem?
In our latest webinar, we looked at how organisations responded on the pandemic. Our speakers may have had to stop physical learning programmes, member events and attraction visitors, but moving digital opened up surprising new possibilities as well!
How do you decide when and where a chatbot might be relevant for your organisation? When the Deeson strategy team is working with clients, we use a three part model to understand and evaluate opportunities for using chatbots as part of user journeys.
In a move that seemed unlikely at the start of the pandemic, most universities are getting ready to welcome students back to campus in September. Yet questions remain over how institutions will deliver a valuable university experience in extraordinary circumstances. So how can universities become more agile, adaptable and resilient?
“I'm not really a woman in tech. I'm a woman, and I work in tech, but I'm not techy... Does that really make me a woman in tech?” Although it's now a widely accepted problem, we're still a long way from solving diversity in tech.
Here we take you through our post-covid digital checklist – a set of practical principles you need to keep your digital strategy on track in an ever-changing world.
It took a virus to confirm what was already apparent: from now on it’s digital first, physical second. But there are more steps to be made in this journey. Time for membership organisations to look at their digital strategy again!
We needed to be even more nimble and agile than we’d ever been before and focus everything around delivering an MVP within 8 weeks from concept to launch.