Individual content for individual students, please
Half of young people are prepared to click away from your website if what they see doesn’t reflect who they are. So why isn’t everybody knocking out fully personalised websites before breakfast?
Half of young people are prepared to click away from your website if what they see doesn’t reflect who they are. So why isn’t everybody knocking out fully personalised websites before breakfast?
I’m here to lead the rallying cry: huge projects, be gone - let’s break personalisation down and make it work for us.
Instead of building the entire house for a ta-da moment, we like to keep things small, agile and easy-to-tweak. This means never assuming we know the answer to anything before we get started.
How can higher education websites manage an increased flow of visitors, retain the highest quality students and fortify their systems for the following years during the clearing period?
DSDM is our framework of choice at Deeson and this blog post explains why.
Why Deeson are supporting our Head of Delivery, Holly, by sponsoring her DO PM event in Oxford.
Our Technical Director visits a local secondary school to support their STEM robotics activities.
At Deeson, we’ve come up with a new way for team members to flag up problems in a way that’s anonymous but guarantees immediate attention from senior people.
There is a growing realisation among many types of organisation that thriving in the new era of big data and artificial intelligence means more than just upgrading your technology.