Thoughts on Symfony Live London 2014
Last week Team Deeson headed up to Symfony Live - here's our report.
Last week Team Deeson headed up to Symfony Live - here's our report.
We're getting ready to attend SymfonyLive London this week, so come and find us to chat about Drupal.
You can sense it: The days are getting a little bit shorter, there's a chill in the early morning air, and you're wearing flip flops less frequently. That can only mean one thing: It's nearly DrupalCon season... And we're ready!
John Ennew is a solutions architect here at Deeson. He recently carried out a webinar focusing on Drupal Autologout and Limit Modules
I'm donning my Drupal community hat and heading off to Symfony Live on September 26! It's been said many times before, but one of the most impressive things about Drupal is the community. And we don't just mean the awesome developers
The momentum behind Drupal 8 is growing, and Deeson have been playing their part...
Team Deeson are in Manchester for the UK’s largest medical imaging conference. We’re filming, blogging and Tweeting from the three day event, sharing all the news with Society of Radiographers members and the wider healthcare sector.
For those who missed the great big Texan extravaganza (or anyone who went and just wants to do some reminiscing!) here for your enjoyment are a handful of choice picks from the awesome five-day Drupal love-in.